Welcome to the Token Engineering library!
This is a growing list of resources and applications of token engineering technology, that you can learn from & contribute to!
Intro Materials- Cryptoeconomics 101 - ๐ A high level overview to start to orient intuition around the token engineering process.
- Glossary of systems concepts - ๐ An overview of the lineage of token engineering.
- Token engineering in practice - ๐บ As advertised.
- Towards a diversity of DAOs - ๐บ Technologically enabled social systems: DAOs.
- Differential Specification Syntax Key - ๐ How to read (and create) diagrams in the CadCAD ecosystem.
- Token Engineering Fundamentals (2018) - ๐บ 1 hour overview of token engineering and all the things related to it (spoiler alert: it's not all about tokens).
- Engineering practices diagram - A diagram outlining the design and development engineering phases.
- Can blockchains go rogue? - TBD.
- Towards a Practice of Token Engineering - TBD.
- Token Engineering case studies - TBD.
- On engineering economic systems - TBD.
- On Engineering Economic Systems II - TBD.
- Token Engineering 101: Why Engineering is Necessary - TBD.
- On the Practice of Token Engineering, Part I: Enter the Token Engineer - TBD.
- On the Practice of Token Engineering, Part II: Engineering = {Capability, Responsibility} - TBD.
- On the Practice of Token Engineering, Part III: Something is Missing - TBD.
- Network formation games - TBD.
- Token engineering in practice - YouTube video.
- The age of networks - video.
- Jargon party ๐ - Yay.
- Putting CadCAD in context - TBD.
- Tokenspace - Intuition on how to think about tokens.
Long Form Content- Engineering for a safer world - ๐ Probably the best starting point for anyone entering token engineering to think about governance and automation in the same stream.
Other Things- Token Engineering wiki - Will soon be updated and moved somewhere more accessible.
- Token Engineering YouTube channel - ๐บ cornucopia of token engineering lectures.
- Commons Stack YouTube channel - ๐บ super cool stuff about CommonsStack and CadCAD.
- BlockScience resources page - ๐บ ๐ ๐ A curation of resources related to token engineering.
- Token Engineering Learning Program - General introduction to the process and access to helpful materials.
- Token Engineering Wiki - A glorious archive of tokeneconomic treasures.
- CadCAD Tutorials - A collection of CadCAD tutorials (may or may not be up to date).
- CadCAD forum - Not just about CadCAD!
- Noncon Cryptoeconomics Lab - TBD.
Conviction Voting- BlockScience conviction voting Jupyter notebook - Such code. Many maths.
- 1Hive conviction voting chat - This is where most of the in depth discussions happen around 1Hive's conviction voting implementation, but to join you have to create a Keybase account, join the 1Hive team chat, and then add yourself to the #conviction-voting chat.
- 1Hive conviction voting Discord chat - Easy to join, but less activity.
NotesWould be great to showcase 1-3 cases covering various steps of the total process initial vision > stakeholder map > system design > selecting component > simulations > behavioral data & attack vectors > security > living digital twin.
Sebnem's Electraseed Medium article
- link TBD
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp4Qsobvo_Jv561ib0n2PkVQMbvXWr96e
- https://www.youtube.com/c/tokenengineering
- https://community.cadcad.org/t/the-situation-and-obstacles-regarding-systems-thinking-modelling-adoption-on-sao-paulo-brazil-institutions/133
- https://web.stanford.edu/~jacksonm/netbook.pdf
- https://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book/networks-book.pdf
- https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sandholm/cs15-892F13/algorithmic-game-theory.pdf
- https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/population-games-and-evolutionary-dynamics
- https://wtf.tw/ref/meadows.pdf
- Business Dynamics System Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World - The basics of mapping business processes to dynamic systems.
- https://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book/networks-book.pdf
- https://web.stanford.edu/~jacksonm/netbook.pdf
- https://www.nspe.org/resources/ethics/code-ethics
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineering#Social_context
- https://blockscienceteam.slack.com/archives/C010Y082UBE/p1586470216018700
- https://ergodicityeconomics.com/
- https://ergodicityeconomics.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/ergodicity_economics.pdf
- https://community.cadcad.org/t/the-situation-and-obstacles-regarding-systems-thinking-modelling-adoption-on-sao-paulo-brazil-institutions/133
- https://www.tannrallard.tech/token-engineering-learning-program/
- https://github.com/BlockScience/InterchainFoundation
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_impact_bond
- https://medium.com/sourcecred/network-formation-games-7a74491abf0e
- https://medium.com/block-science/introducing-complex-adaptive-dynamics-computer-aided-design-cadcad-38b63b541eb8